Thursday, December 25, 2008

Nearing the end

Today's the last full day we'll spend with Mom/Blue Grandma and Steve. It's hard to say goodbye, but thankfully we have cell phones and the Internet and all manner of technologically fun ways to communicate.

We're headed to Mom's brother's house where we'll spend the rest of the day with him and his wife, Mom, Steve, and possibly a few people we haven't yet met. I'm debating about bringing our menorahs and candles for Fifth Night of Chanukah tonight, but where we're going apparently isn't really Jewish-friendly, so maybe we'll light candles after we get back to our hotel.

The boys are really tired of being asked if they're excited about Santa coming. Newsflash: he didn't come last night or this morning and I have special anti-Santa locks on the doors. But we had a quiet evening last night watching the Chanukah candles burn down and making (non-monetary) bets about which candle was going to burn out first. And next. And next...

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