Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Blown Away

We made it to Cheyenne, WY! It was a bit hairy in parts, with howling winds in excess of 50 mph across Wyoming. This is when I'm glad I packed extra -- weigh down the van so we don't blow away!

It is weird to think tonight is New Year's Eve. It is like any other night of late: apart from Husby, in a hotel room, living out of a suitcase, watching The Weather Channel for tomorrow's forecast, and planning tomorrow's itinerary based on when the hotel's continental breakfast ends.

It is 9:50pm (Mountain Time) and we're all in bed. The kids are hopefully going to sleep soon, and I plan to be asleep soon after. We have yet more cool photographs that I'm too tired to upload. Sorry! We'll get them up here as soon as possible.

Until then, Happy (secular) New Year!

1 comment:

Dancing Waters said...

You'r almost home !! Can't wait to see you and all the cool pic and stuff your got on the way : )