Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shopping, shoveling, packing, and where's my other sock?

Hi all and welcome to our new blog. Here's our story in a nutshell:

I (the mom) and my two boys (Yoni age 7, Daniel age 5) are embarking on a road trip from Minnesota to California to visit my mom (the boys' grandmother), whom the boys affectionately call Blue Grandma.

Why are we driving? Because airfare is way too expensive to fit our budget. And because I (the mom) am insane.

Why are we going now, in December? Because my mom (Blue Grandma) has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and we want to see her again before she hopefully goes in for surgery and gets rid of all the nasty cancer.

Why are we blogging our trip? Because Yoni and Daniel will be missing a week and a half of school to go on this adventure. (Hi Talmud Torah!) And because we want to show their teachers that yes, they really are learning more than how to work the van's video player. And because lots of people here in cold, snowy Minnesota worry about us and we can relieve and entertain them at the same time.

And because I don't have enough to do or enough to worry about. In short, because I am insane.

So now we are doing our last-minute shopping for the trip and setting aside clean clothes to pack and doing massive amounts of laundry so that we have clean clothes to pack, and shoveling the walkway outside because despite our busy pre-trip plans, it insists on snowing outside.

It was 4 degrees out earlier today. How weird to think that in a few short (or maybe not so short) days, we will be driving with the windows down in sunny California. We might even get a tan. In December!

We're getting ready. The only thing we're not doing is sleeping.

1 comment:

Lyn said...

It was in the mid-sixties today. A bit chilly for my California tastes. You guys will probably be running around in shorts and tank tops. Drive safely and we'll see you soon!